The conference venue is in the Parc Valrose in North-central Nice. Plenary talks, coffee breaks, lunches and the conference dinner will take place in the Grand Chateau that host the Theater. Parallel sessions will be splitted between three neighbouring builidings: LJAD (Laboratoire Jean-Alexandre Dieudonné, either in the conference room or in room LJAD II), Fizeau building, and IBV (Institut of Biology of Valrose). The cocktail will take place at LJAD.
A: Grand château (Theater), K: Fizeau, W: LJAD (+ LJAD II), N: IBV
There are many hotels and rooms for rent in Nice. It is advise to book your hotel as soon as possible. We recommend a choice of accommodation near the Parc Valrose or near the TRAM LINE 1. You can find a list of nearby hotels often used by the local academic community here. However, the list is far from being complete, feel free to explore the available options by yourself.
Contact fgs-2019@sciencesconf.org
It has come to our attention that companies or individuals claiming to be affiliated with FGS’2019 may have contacted our participants regarding their potential stay in Nice. Please be aware that this is a scam sent from a company named Business Travel Management.